September Play Read

September Play Read

It’s September already!!  That means it’s time for the first of Bedford Players’ monthly play reads!

Wednesday, September 4th at 7pm

 in the downstairs lounge of our theatre venue

(main entrance, All Saints Anglican Church, 1408 Bedford Highway)

We’ll be reading

Over My Dead Body

a comedy by Derek Benfield

Following his wife’s recent death, Gerald hopes to spend the rest of his days alone with his memories. But he forgets about his late wife’s tendency for “forward planning”! This results in a series of unexpected events occurring that Gerald could not in his wildest dreams have anticipated! With the help of his daughter and son-in-law, Gerald strives to maintain his independence and keep unforeseen visitors at bay. The recalling of memories revives events from the family’s past that are both funny and melancholy.



No acting experience is needed – All are welcome!

A play read is a fun, no-commitment social activity offered free of charge by Bedford Players. You can choose to take part in the reading or just listen as others use their voices to bring these shows to life.

If you are feeling unwell or are experiencing any signs of illness, please do not attend this event. 

Thank you for your understanding.

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